How To create a working Napsternetv files
How to create a working configuration files of Napsternetv app
Download the Napsternetv app from play store if you don't have it
To make a working file you should have a working host before doing anything other
Open your Chrome or any browser you have and go to Fastssh
They are going to bring for you three server locations as you see Russia, USA
The you can choose any server location preferred to your choice.
Now you can put any name ie Lay me say karyn then the SNi host you put it there also.
Then tap am not a robot after tap create then you wait for a second it loads
Now to the vmess to your clipboard as you see in the picture above
Open your Napsternetv app if you dont have it download it from Here then after copying the vmess configuration file from the website
Then am gonna show you how to import it to Napsternetv app
Click the v2ray url then the vmess file will load in the app
It will show you importation successfully now you can edit it
Tap the pencil it opens its self as you see remark Address path etc now you can tap remark and put your own name after you save
How can i export a file
Tap the share button
Then now you can rename the file any name of your choice then you lock it and you give it any expiration date you want after you tap the tick in your right hand side to save it